The Government's legislative plan

The audit observed shortcomings and development needs in the legislative plans' information base, resources, administration, implementation and monitoring. The audit examined the Government's legislative plan it introduced in 2007. This document contains a summary of the main results of the audit. The entire audit report is available only in Finnish.

In 2007 the Government introduced a legislative plan covering the parliamentary term. This is the first government-level plan concerning legislative policy in the present century that is based directly on the Government Programme. The plan contains principles and measures (objectives) to develop regulation. The Government’s key legislative projects were also included in the plan, and good legislative drafting practices were meant to be followed in these projects. A second legislative plan was approved in 2011 as part of the strategic plan for the implementation of the Government Programme.

The audit sought to determine whether legislative plans have been properly prepared, whether the objectives and means in legislative plans have been clear and essential from the viewpoint of legislative policy, whether legislative projects have been key for the Government Programme and how well the implementation of the 2007 legislative plan has succeeded. The audit also examined the administration and monitoring of the Government’s legislative plans as well as their content. With regard to the 2007 legislative plan the audit evaluated the implementation of the plan and its impacts on ministries’ legislative drafting practices, mainly at the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

The audit observed shortcomings and development needs in the legislative plans’ information base, resources, administration, implementation and monitoring.

