Supreme audit institutions are meeting to discuss the future of public sector auditing as well as the strategic management and administrative tasks of EUROSAI, the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions.
The Governing Board meeting of EUROSAI takes place in Latvia on 12–13 June. The National Audit Office of Finland (NAOF) is attending the meeting of the heads of supreme audit institutions as a member of the Governing Board.
In addition to discussing administrative subjects, European national audit offices will address, among other topics, the future of public sector auditing during the meeting. Global trends such as digitalisation, the development of artificial intelligence, cyber security, and other regional and global changes are critical issues that also national supreme audit institutions are currently focusing on.
As a member of the Governing Board of EUROSAI, the NAOF is responsible for monitoring foresight issues and the changes in the auditing environment. During the meeting, Auditor General of the NAOF Ms Tytti Yli-Viikari will present on the future trends of auditing.