Changes in the general government sector and its global development were important themes at a meeting of the Governing Board of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) in June in Latvia.
Changing operating models in the preparation of policies and the role of verified information in decision-making are considered important aspects of the strategic planning of supreme audit institutions. Furthermore, independent external audits have material significance in terms of social trust.
The 50th meeting of the EUROSAI Governing Board focused especially on the need for cooperation when utilising new technological solutions in future audits. There is need for cooperation at the European and global level to share information and experiences.
According to Ms Tytti Yli-Viikari, the Auditor General of the National Audit Office of Finland, the need to better understand new aspects created by the changing operating environment and the need to include them in the planning and implementation of audits were strongly emphasised at the meeting in June.
“Audits focusing on material change trends of general government and general government finances support the ability of governments to renew their operations in a cost-efficient manner in compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” Yli-Viikari says.