Legacy information systems

The lifecycle management of information systems and the portfolio level in the central government lacks common goals. The NAOF recommends that the Ministry of Finance should promote more consistent practices for the lifecycle management of government agencies' information systems. A long lifecycle may also reflect successful planning.

The audit assessed how different central government units manage the lifecycles of their information systems. The audit also produced information on various factors affecting the management, such as ways of implementing procurement and contracts. Thereby, the aim was to promote the cost-effectiveness of the lifecycle management of information systems in the central government.

Based on the audit, the lifecycle perspective is recognised in the central government but not particularly seen in practice. The means of portfolio management vary, as no common targets have been set for the lifecycle management of information systems. The NAOF recommends that the Ministry of Finance should promote the creation of more consistent practices for the lifecycle management of government agencies’ information systems.

The financial solutions used do not support lifecycle planning in the best possible manner. Based on the observations made, there is a lack of long-term financial planning, and funding is more likely to be allocated to new technology projects.

The NAOF recommends that public authorities should actively plan the lifecycle of their information systems at its various stages in order to identify and anticipate when the development of the system during its use requires special support. Ministries should utilise this information in the preparation of their budget proposals, as this would lead to better coordination and prioritisation of development projects.

Generally, an information system that has been used for a long time is not a negative thing, but a long lifecycle may also reflect successful planning, long-term maintenance and development as well as effective procurement and contract management.
