International activities

The international activities of the National Audit Office (NAOF) support effective and efficient audit and oversight. In addition to attending to its binding international responsibilities, the NAOF considers it important that the international activities offer opportunities for the development of the national audit and oversight activities and, thereby, for the development of the central government in general.

The NAOF performs international duties as the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and the Independent Fiscal Institution (IFI) in Finland. The NAOF also participates in international cooperation by engaging in an active exchange of information and dialogue with international actors, especially other SAIs and the most important stakeholders.

The NAOF’s international activities are mainly targeted at the cooperation carried out in the umbrella organisations of SAIs and their regional organisations, networks and working groups. Read more about the NAOF’s activities in international networks.

Matters related to the NAOF’s international activities:

International activities to support audit work

International activities are an essential part of the NAOF’s work. Through determined and planned activities, we strengthen our competence and contribute to the development and operating conditions of the audit sector. Sharing experiences and learning from the experiences of other SAIs support the effective implementation and development of our external audit and oversight, as well as our other activities. Cooperation with international partners also creates prerequisites for a sustainable reform of the general government and public administration. International activities provide use with knowledge, experience, and competence, as well as new methods for our own work. Many of the issues and phenomena audited are common to different countries and continents, and through cooperation, we can avoid duplication of work and improve efficiency.

The NAOF monitors the development of the global operating environment and the opportunities and challenges it brings comprehensively by participating in both binding and discretionary international cooperation.

The priorities in our international activities are:

  • supporting an efficient and transparent public administration

  • developing audit methods, incl. digitalisation and AI

  • Nordic and EU cooperation

  • responding to topical issues, such as

    • supporting the activities of SAI Ukraine

    • environmental auditing.

INTOSAI WGEA Secretariat

From 2020 to the end of 2025, the NAOF chairs the Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) of the International Organization for Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The Secretariat of the working group operates at the NAOF. Read more.

Targets of the NAOF’s international activities