All persons obliged to file election funding disclosures in the 2015 parliamentary elections have filed the election funding disclosures. The National Audit Office has not received any complaints concerning the election funding disclosures. The National Audit Office supervises that all persons obliged to file election funding disclosures under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding file the disclosures laid down in the act.
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All persons obliged to file election funding disclosures in the 2015 parliamentary elections have filed the election funding disclosures required under the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding.
The National Audit Office asked all disclosers to provide details of the accuracy of the election funding disclosures. The aim was to verify the information contained in the disclosures. As details the candidates were asked to provide the bank statements of the bank accounts that they had used in their election campaigns. The details submitted to the National Audit Office are secret information under section 24, paragraph 15 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999).
When processing and verifying the disclosures, the National Audit Office asked 40 disclosers to provide additional information supplementing their disclosures or to correct their disclosures. Most of the corrections concerned the need to provide more detailed funding information.
The National Audit Office did not receive any complaints concerning the election funding disclosures of the 2015 parliamentary elections.
Based on the processing of the disclosures or the details and the supplementary information that it has received, the National Audit Office is not aware of any such matters on the basis of which it would have reasons to doubt the accuracy of the disclosures that it has received.
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